Hubble Peers at a Galactic Seascape

A “jellyfish galaxy” with trailing tentacles of stars hangs in inky blackness on this photo from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. As jellyfish galaxies circulate thru intergalactic space, fueloline is slowly stripped away forming trails that resemble tendrils illuminated with the aid of using clumps of supermegacelebrity formation. These blue tendrils are seen underneath the center of this galaxy, giving it a jellyfish-like appearance. This unique jellyfish galaxy – called JO201 – lies withinside the constellation Cetus, which is known as after a sea monster from historical Greek mythology. This sea-monster-themed constellation provides to the nautical subject matter of this photo.

The tendrils of jellyfish galaxies expand past the intense disk of the galaxy`s center. This unique commentary comes from an research into the sizes, masses, and a long time of clumps of supermegacelebrity formation withinside the tendrils of jellyfish galaxies. Astronomers wish this could offer a higher know-how of the relationship among ram-strain stripping – the procedure that creates the tendrils of jellyfish galaxies – and supermegacelebrity formation.

Hubble`s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) captured this galactic seascape. A flexible tool that captures photographs at ultraviolet, infrared, and seen wavelengths, WFC3 is the supply of a number of Hubble`s maximum magnificent photographs.


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